Spring Cleaning in Niseko-Hirafu
It's traditional in many households to have a big spring clean-up when the weather warms up and here in Niseko, the Hirafu Village does the same!

Volunteers from around the Hirafu Village gather to collect bags and assignments.
An Annual Hirafu Tradition
The annual Hirafu-Niseko clean up has become a tradition as the month of May comes to a close. The initiative started years ago and has become an annual event in which businesses around the Hirafu Village come out in great numbers to support.
With the long winter season bringing in nearly a half-million guests each year, it takes a lot of work and effort to ensure that the resort stays in pristine condition for when the spring and summer sightseeing season kicks off!

Some surprising finds this year, ranging from full sets of tires to stereos!
It was a cool shady day as we headed out with the other volunteers. In total there was just under 100 volunteers who came out to lend a hand. Armed with gloves, tongs, and heavy-duty plastic bags, we picked up everything from cigarette butts to metal pipes!
While it wasn't always the prettiest work, it was something that is essential to ensure that the Hirafu resort stays the same beautiful place it always does. Flowers are always more enjoyable in a field of clean green grass!
The slightly delayed cherry blossom season in Niseko this year was an added bonus, making the day a bit more enjoyable each time you passed by one of the pink trees in full bloom.
A big thank you to all the individuals who came out to help out. Hirafu-Niseko is a better place each year because of everyone's involvement in events like this.